onsdag 18. desember 2013

Merry Christmas!!

We have a typical "Norwegian Christmas" with food. The typical Norwegian selibretian is that we sing songs and we go around the christmas tree and so on..... We give gifts and we have kind of the "small christmas" and it's the first and then we have the "big christmas" wich is the first one...

Why does we selibrate Christmas?-
Christmas is the Christian church's celebration of Jesus' birthday. Though we celebrate the day in late December, we do not know for sure when Jesus was born.
A number of historians have looked into the matter and concluded that he was probably born in the spring, perhaps in March. Maybe he was not even born in the year 0, but six years later. Or a completely different time.

The original date of the celebration in Eastern Christianity was January 6. But we have it on the 24 and 25 Desember, and in many countries: January 7, 8, or 19...
"Christmas" is a compound word originating in the term "Christ's Mass". It is derived from the Middle English Cristemasse. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. The celebratory customs associated in various countries with Christmas have a mix of pre-Christian, Christian, and secular themes and origins..

I think everyone in Norway celibrates Chirstmas even if they are not Christians..The name derives from the Old Norse July celebration of "Jól" or "jólablót", from the original, pagan sacrificial celebration of midwinter day in Scandinavia, which was added 12 January. Hakon the Good commanded the 900 centry.

Here in Norway (where I live) we have the last day (or one week) before Christmas on Friday (20).
And what everyone like to drink is a typical "norwegian drink" "gløgg".

And what we eat is:


onsdag 11. desember 2013

Teenager post !

Tests and presentations!!

Many in my class and so on have asked our teachers why we have so many testes and presentations before Christmas. So I just want to say what I mean with that, like we have so many tests before Christmas and it's because we are getting our report cards after Christmas.

Here in my school from 8th-10th grade we have like so many testes before Christmas and before summer, because we are getting our first report card and the second before summer.

We have really many tests before Christmas because, the teachers will see how much we can about the subject. And if we get bad marks on a test can they compare with all our athor tests. If we get two in a test, you can get up one notch if you have had 3 and 4 on the other.

And we have presentations also get to see how our oral inserts are.
National tests are also important. It is actually the most important. National tests are just a test of how much you have learned from the first grade-7grade and then you get test it, and they will test what we have linearly from forje years. Here in Norway we only have national tests in Norwegian and math.....

And btw: it's 11.12.13 today!! Awsome :D

M.K :)

onsdag 4. desember 2013

Crime in my city

Crime in my city often happens in the evenings. And it's not so many crime in Oslo or Norway now. And it's a decrease in crime at 3.3 percent, while the average processing time has increased by 4 days compared with the same period last year.

It's moost children who do it. And there are many who beg in Oslo city. Those who do are mostly from Romania, the beggar but we do not know if they are doing well or doing it on purpose?

There committed approximately 30-40 murders in Norway annually, this varies from year to year. It's not so much crime in Norway now, but it's qind of some at the evening. It's most children who do it and when they are doing it are they teiken som wallets and stuf like that.We can protect ourselves but when it is about seven young people together in a group of people it is a bit hard to protect themselves and tell it to do security not well, and it is 57 percent of all crimes in Norway.

The detection rate increased from 36.1 to 37.5 percent last year. But the largest category, gain, says police at a standstill by 14.6 percentage

(So Ritika is in India now, she dumped me completely so I have to do all the work by myself :P )

M.K :)